Because Globaltech engineers are accustomed to working in a design build environment, they bring insights and “lessons learned” that benefit our water utility clients. Our consulting engineers are big-picture thinkers focused on practical implementation and long-term results. And they have the Florida permitting, regulatory, and compliance knowledge needed to deliver quality projects with minimal delays.
Globaltech engineers help to optimize the infrastructure that allows utilities to provide safe, affordable drinking water to growing communities. Using our extensive hydrogeologic, hydraulic, and treatment process knowledge, we offer project experience in the following areas:
- Master planning
- Permitting
- Source water development (groundwater hydrology, permitting, logging)
- Groundwater and surface water treatment
- Raw water transmission
- Pump stations
- Well rehabilitation
- Water quality monitoring
- Water storage (including aquifer storage and recovery)
- Water distribution
- Standby and prime power systems

Globaltech’s water treatment experience encompasses numerous treatment processes in a variety of source waters, including groundwater, surface water, and seawater applications. We are thoroughly knowledgeable in conventional technologies involving the application of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, lime softening, filtration, and disinfection.
We also specialize in advanced treatment technologies to meet regulatory or water quality requirements, including membrane processes (nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, ozonation), enhanced coagulation, activated carbon, and ion exchange. Our more than 20 years of experience includes facilities producing from under 1.0 to over 100 million gallons of drinking water daily.

Globaltech’s wastewater treatment engineering services include process design, process analysis and optimization, equipment evaluation and selection, life cycle cost evaluations, design review, operator training, and operations support. Our project experience includes:
- Master Planning
- Permitting
- Pretreatment for screenings and grit removal
- Conventional treatment: activated sludge process
- Advanced treatment and nutrient removal
- Wastewater collection: lift stations, force mains, gravity sewers
- Effluent reuse: filtration, disinfection, and nutrient removal
- Sludge treatment and management plans: dewatering, stabilization
- Disposal, including Deep Injection Wells
- Standby and prime power systems

Thinking of a future design build project? Trying to find the right technical group to help with your capital improvements? We’d be happy to answer any questions.