We are pleased to announce the completion of our package plant repairs project in Coral Springs, Florida. At Coral Springs Improvement District, Package Plant D suffered structural damage and became inoperable. The clarifier wall separated from the base slab which caused the clarifier floor to break-up and damage the clarifier mechanism. In addition, the baffle wall and some of the diffuser equipment and piping were also damaged. Globaltech provided a design build solution to inspect the damage, develop emergency recommendations to accommodate the sudden loss of capacity, provide a new design to repair the damaged package plant and perform the necessary repairs.
Globaltech worked with the Owner and the regulators to develop an option to redirect the membrane concentrate discharge from the front of the wastewater treatment plant to the effluent side of the treatment plant. This resulted in lowering the plant influent flows while the repairs were ongoing.
Reinforced Concrete & Additional Repairs
The displaced clarifier wall was reset flush to the concrete floor and new steel anchoring angles were welded to the clarifier exterior wall. The existing anchors had been ½” wedge anchors that had less than 1” of contact with the concrete and all of them had been pulled out when the clarifier wall separated from the floor. The new anchors were 316 stainless-steel epoxy anchors, ¾” in diameter with 6” of embedment and double the original number of anchors were used.
The existing, damaged sloped clarifier-floor had to be completely removed and replaced with a new cast-in-place sloped reinforced-concrete floor that was structurally tied into the subbase concrete floor and the steel clarifier wall.

The damaged concrete baffle wall was replaced with a new cast-in-place concrete baffle wall which was structurally connected to the base slab and clarifier wall. A new aluminum safety platform with an emergency man-lift was installed at the top of the baffle wall. The safety platform was connected to the package plant walkway and eliminated having to climb over handrails or piping to access the man-lift location.
The clarifier rake arms, center column, center cage, drive and portions of the skimmer arms were replaced with new equipment. Additional repairs included replacing damaged sections of the diffuser, RAS and scum piping, replacing the FRP weirs, the stainless-steel weir-baffle and damaged steel sections of the trough wall. All new steel equipment was coated to match existing.